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Cohabitation Agreements Attorney in Fort Worth, Texas

In recent years, cohabitation—where a couple lives together without being married—has become increasingly common. While living together without the formalities of marriage might seem simpler, it can lead to complicated legal issues, especially when it comes to the division of property or responsibilities if the relationship ends. This is where cohabitation agreements come into play. This article explores what cohabitation agreements are, the rules governing them in Texas, when you might need one, and how the skilled attorneys at Boyd Family Law can help in drafting one.

What are Cohabitation Agreements?

In recent years, cohabitation—where a couple lives together without being married—has become increasingly common. While living together without the formalities of marriage might seem simpler, it can lead to complicated legal issues, especially when it comes to the division of property or responsibilities if the relationship ends. This is where cohabitation agreements come into play. This article explores what cohabitation agreements are, the rules governing them in Texas, when you might need one, and how the skilled attorneys at Boyd Family Law can help in drafting one.

What are Cohabitation Agreements?

A cohabitation agreement is a legal document between unmarried partners who live together. It outlines the arrangement regarding their finances, property, and other responsibilities during and potentially after their relationship. Much like prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements establish rules for handling assets and debts, clarify financial obligations, and set terms for property distribution if the relationship ends or if one partner passes away.

What are the Rules for Cohabitation Agreements in Texas?

In Texas, cohabitation agreements are treated similarly to contracts. This means they must meet certain legal standards to be enforceable:

  • Written Form: While verbal agreements are valid for some contracts, a cohabitation agreement should be in writing to avoid ambiguity and enforceability issues.
  • Full Disclosure: Both parties must fully disclose their financial situations. This includes incomes, assets, debts, and more. Concealing any financial details can render the agreement invalid.
  • Voluntariness: The agreement must be entered into voluntarily, without any coercion or undue pressure from either party.
  • No Illegal Terms: The agreement cannot include terms that are illegal or against public policy.
  • Signature and Witnesses: Though not always required, having the agreement signed in the presence of witnesses or notarized can strengthen its validity.

When Should You Have a Cohabitation Agreement?

Here are a few scenarios where entering into a cohabitation agreement might be a wise decision:
  • Asset Protection: If you have significant assets, own a business, or have children from a previous relationship, a cohabitation agreement can protect your assets and ensure that they are distributed according to your wishes.
  • Debt Liability: If one partner has a considerable amount of debt, the agreement can protect the other partner from being held responsible for those debts.
  • Property Ownership: If you purchase property together, such as a home or car, the agreement can outline how this property will be handled if you separate.
  • Support Issues: Though not common, the agreement can include terms for partner support (similar to alimony) upon separation.

How the Skilled Attorneys at Boyd Family Law Can Help You Write a Cohabitation Agreement

Drafting a cohabitation agreement involves detailed legal knowledge to ensure that all provisions are clear, fair, and enforceable. Here’s how the attorneys at Boyd Family Law can assist:

  • Customized Agreements: Every relationship is unique, and our attorneys understand that. They will work with you to tailor your cohabitation agreement to fit your specific circumstances and needs.
  • Expert Advice: Our attorneys can provide valuable insights into the legal implications of each clause in your agreement, ensuring that you fully understand what you are agreeing to.
  • Negotiation: If there are disagreements or sensitive topics that need to be negotiated with your partner, our attorneys can facilitate these discussions objectively and professionally.
  • Legal Formalities: The team at Boyd Family Law will ensure that your cohabitation agreement complies with all Texas laws and regulations, making it as enforceable as possible. 

Living together without the bonds of marriage can be less complicated in many ways, but it leaves gaps in legal protection for both partners. Cohabitation agreements provide a safety net, ensuring that both partners’ rights and responsibilities are acknowledged and protected. Whether you’re entering into a living-together arrangement with significant assets or just want to clarify responsibilities around household expenses, a cohabitation agreement can offer peace of mind and legal clarity.

For couples in Texas considering such an arrangement, getting the right legal advice is crucial. The experienced attorneys at Boyd Family Law are equipped to guide you through every step of drafting a comprehensive and enforceable cohabitation agreement. Contacting the experts at Boyd Family Law not only helps protect your assets and rights but also strengthens your relationship by setting clear expectations and commitments.